Hey family

We had a BAPTISM!!!! We´ve been working hard with this
family for the past few months to try to reactivate them, and their daughter
got baptized last night!! Man I love that family. When they first
joined the church a few years ago, the Dad had been second counselor in the
bishopric, the mom was a mini missionary and had a calling in the primary
presidency. But they’ve been inactivate for a year or two. So we´ve
been visiting them a ton. They had the desire to return and baptize their
daughter. After a couple months of working with them, they told us
in a visit that they met with the bishop and set a date to be sealed in the
temple as a family. That was probably one of the happiest days of my
mission. We had a date for the daughter to be baptized about 3 times and crazy
things kept happening! Satan did not want that kid in the water.
But we got her there and the service was amazing. The mom, bore her testimony at the end. She said how grateful she was for
everyone´s help and that this baptism was one step closer to them getting to
the temple. The daughter cried and bore her testimony too, the simplest and
sweetest testimony I´ve ever heard. I asked her how she felt afterwards,
and she looked at me with tears and said ¨Feliz¨ [happy].
Then Sunday the grandparents came and her grandpa confirmed her (that
tall guy that I sent you a picture of at Christmas). They work in the temple and he had been a
bishop for 11 years! That big bear of a guy broke down up there.
Some people say that miracles don´t happen anymore, that
those things only happened in Biblical times. I am blessed to be able to
see miracles happen almost daily. That family coming back to the church
can´t be described as anything less than a miracle. God exists. He
loves us. And His works haven´t ended.
Love you
Elder Cook
Elder Cook answered a few
questions we’ve been asking:
Yeah that darn goat follows me around! It even charged
me yesterday! I´m pretty sure it smells fear. The work is good,
transfers are Wednesday, I´m good, my shoes are good, yes there are doctors,
and no I haven´t found a basketball pump. Those tuna packets you sent were amazing!!